PECKHAM CRYSTALS SE15 5BY Candle Spell to Get a Job

Candle Spell to Get a Job

Materials Needed:

  • One large green candle

  • One red candle

  • A pin or Athame (ritual knife)

  • A quiet space for the ritual


  1. Preparation:

    • Ensure you have already submitted your resume or job application before starting the spell. Choose a Thursday evening, preferably after sunset, for your ritual.

  2. Carving the Candles:

    • Take the green candle and, using the pin or Athame, carefully write the name of the company or job title you aspire to work for on the side of the candle.

    • On the red candle, carve the victory rune (Tiwaz, resembling an upward-pointing arrow) along with your full name.

  3. Setting up the Candles:

    • Place both candles on a sturdy surface in front of you, ensuring they have enough space to burn safely.

  4. Beginning the Ritual:

    • Light both candles and close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths to center yourself. Visualize yourself in your desired job, feeling the excitement and happiness associated with it.

  5. Visualization:

    • Focus on the green candle as a symbol of abundance and prosperity while visualizing getting the job you want. Imagine yourself happily working in that position.

  6. Timing:

    • Allow the candles to burn for 30 minutes while keeping your intention clear in your mind. At the end of this time, snuff out the candles (do not blow them out, as it can disperse your intention).

  7. Continuing the Ritual:

    • Repeat the process each following Thursday, burning the candles for 15 minutes until they burn completely out or you receive the job offer.

  8. Disposing of the Candles:

    • Once the candles are fully burned, dispose of the wax by burying it in the ground. This symbolizes planting your intentions and allowing them to grow.

  9. Express Gratitude:

    • Take a moment to give thanks for the opportunities that are coming your way, whether or not you see results immediately.
